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Why doesn't AMAZON publish the titles I have in EPINIUM?
Why doesn't AMAZON publish the titles I have in EPINIUM?
Albert avatar
Written by Albert
Updated over a week ago

It has probably happened to you that the titles you are working on in EPINIUM are not reflected in AMAZON. This is often due to the fact that AMAZON reserves the final say in determining which title will be shown to customers who visit our products. Some of the reasons that may cause this discrepancy are:

Compliance with Content Policies: Amazon has strict policies regarding the content and metadata of the titles that are published. This includes avoiding the use of certain promotional keywords, price references, or unauthorised best-seller claims. Make sure your titles and content do not violate these guidelines.

Title Optimisation for SEO on Amazon: Amazon has specific algorithms to manage product visibility based on title optimisation. It is crucial that the title is well structured, following recommendations such as placing the brand name and most important features at the beginning of the title, and making sure the title is informative and concise without going over the recommended character limit. This can affect how your title is indexed and found in searches (Epinium).

Technical or Formatting Issues: If you are using a specific format that is not supported by Amazon or if there are errors in how the information is uploaded, this could cause problems in the publication of your titles. Check that all data is in the correct format and that there are no technical errors in uploading the information.

Amazon Review and Approval: Amazon reviews and approves titles before they are made available to the public. This process can take some time, and if there are problems with content or metadata, it can result in delays or rejections. Be sure to follow all publishing guidelines and wait the required review period before the title is published.

But with EPINIUM it is very easy to keep track of what is being published about your product and see what discrepancies there are, in this tutorial you have all the information:


Once the excel has been downloaded, we only need to go country by country and check the discrepancies:

Within each country we can see what type of discrepancy is involved, be it titles, bullets or search terms:

By double clicking on the texts in column B we will get a text that we simply copy and open as a case in SELLER/VENDOR central and we can easily ask AMAZON to modify the desired field.

*PRO TIP: We recommend you to mark each case you send from the excel with colours in order to have a quick and visual tracking of the different cases, for example:

  • YELLOW: Case sent

  • RED: Case Denied by AMAZON

  • GREEN: Case Accepted

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